It is heartbreaking when peaceful, loving homes and marriages are destroyed due to the stress and strain caused by drug and alcohol abuse.
When a partner in a marriage or long-term relationship abuses alcohol or drugs, the consequences can be far-reaching and could create difficult family situations. Some say that it is like throwing a stone into a quiet pool of water which creates a ripple effect of impacts beyond an immediate circle.

The drug habit is an expensive one. As a consequence, the addict doesn’t care that the money used to pay for drugs dips into family finances which should have been spent for food, housing, children’s education and other bills associated with raising a family.
It is unfortunate that the effects of one person’s irresponsible use of drugs or alcohol are felt by his or her children, relatives, friends, and co-workers. The highest price is often paid by the addict’s wife or partner.
Another factor in the ripple effect is the strong connection between drug abuse and rate of crime. One of the reasons for this crime connection could be the need for money to buy drugs which in turn could tempt the person to resort to crime.
However, more often than not, violent crimes take place when people act under the influence of drugs in a way that they would not act when they are sober. Most of the time, these crimes happen within the family itself. Examples include addiction-related spousal and child abuse.
As alcohol consumption or excessive drug use progressively increases, it naturally takes away the quality time between the couple in a marriage. The emotional distance that is created between the couple is hard to get over. Many couples in such situations report frequent fights and arguments which sometimes turn violent and out of control.
This pattern can become a vicious cycle because after a serious fight the partner with the addiction issues could resort to using more of the addictive substances in an attempt to get away from facing the reality and to pacify stress.
In addition, the expenses related to the drug use go much beyond just their cost. For instance, overdoses, drug-related illnesses, traffic accidents are bound to happen that are directly or indirectly related to the drug abuse.
Families where one of the partners is addicted to drugs or alcohol usually find themselves in the difficult situation of a downward spiral that is out of their control. Luckily, there is hope. It is important to seek help if you or your partner is facing a problem with alcohol or drug abuse. There are proven treatment options to help the substance abuser rehabilitate, and strategies to help restore family relationships. Time is the essence, the earlier you take action the better.